Operation Exodus

  • User Rating:
  • 7.6
  • File Category:
  • Modified Single Player Maps
  • Author:
  • sr1156325637

  • Date:
  • 05/26/2012

  • File Size:
  • 53.2M


B30 Survival Variant (Single Player)

File Notes

Since Master Chief and the Covenant race have joined together they must now stop the flood. The Flood are trying to invade one of the Covenants Capitol ships called the Redeemer. The Covenant realize that the Invasion will be an enourmous one, with so much troops to deploy
they call upon Master Chief to help them fight off the flood so that they can repair the ship and depart to fighT another day.

to load map type in "map_name operation_exodus" (without quotes). The tags used in this map are not mine and full credit goes to their rightful owners. I will ba making more of these types of maps with the titles being Operation_. If you wish to help me with this project please PM me. I could use people for some jobs that I could use some help with. For example I need someone to script a Spirit Dropship to come in time to time to drop off troops for the covenant/allies.

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