Camden Place

  • User Rating:
  • 7.4
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • ²MõD²Wrath

  • Date:
  • 07/17/2011

  • File Size:
  • 25.7M


File Notes

Game Types: Race, Ctf ,Oddball, King and Slayer. All work excellent. I recommend playing all 5.

Field Weapons: they vary, theres a 50 cal sniper, some new machine gun tags not normally used
in halo, new to the scene, and my favorite gun of all, the " Pancor Jack Hammer ", weapons are good
and balanced.

Vechiles: Warthog , walton, zelda horse, mesa, Flame hog and bobcat.

Map Recommendations, 4-6 players but the more the better.

Known flaws: The walton, bobcat and mesa, when you drive them in the water, it flings you up in the sky.
why this is im un sure, I have to assume its something to do with the fog in the water because they didnt
do that before adding the fog. simple fix, dont drive em in the water, lololol. outside of that,
the house is rather empty and the cabin doors, walk straight into them, i raised them a bit more after
testing and they seemed to be better, all in all though, we had fun playing this map and i know you all will to.

Oh, the doors in the house, they are teleporters

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