Wraths Dojo
File Category:
Halo CE Maps
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A dojo maps tyled after the map dojo all melee weapons
File Notes
File Notes: I wanted to make my own vertion of the dojo map we are all familiar with except mine is slightly smaller and has structures to act as cover.If you all remember in dojo there was a cieling, i opted to leave out the cieling as it gave more light into the dojo arena itself, and I textured the walls as well.
Game Types: In this vertion all game types work and work well.Race, Ctf , King, Oddball and Slayer
Field Weapons: I wanted to stay with the dojo theme and have you start with the katana and spear along with needler nades and flame nades, however I have placed for you several other melee weapons that can also be used for game play.
Vechiles: Being an inside arena and themed after dojo , there are no vehicles in this map.
Map Recommendations, 4-6 players but the more the better.
Known flaws: The center king is slightly distorted on one side do to its size but its more or less a complete circle and will not interfere with game play.