Lost Castle

  • User Rating:
  • 7.5
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • ²MõD²Wrath

  • Date:
  • 04/10/2011

  • File Size:
  • 26.5M


A small map centered around an old castle lost in time

File Notes

File Notes:Ive pondered a castle map for quite some time, I put this together on a rainy afternoon trapped inside the house. You have an above ground play area and a lower underground area to play in.

Game Types: Race, Ctf ,Oddball, King and Slayer. All work excellent. I recommend playing all 5.

Field Weapons: Because of my theme and being a lost castle, the weapons for this map are a mixed assortment of weapons I rarely place in maps, if memory serves me right theres over 20 difrent kinds of weapons to use.

Vechiles: Warthog , Rocket hog, Banshee, sanchez motorcycle, Flame hog and gun turrets. Theres a little something something tweeked on the warthog and rockethog, Only hint is this: gunner operation.

Map Recommendations, 4-6 players but the more the better.

Known flaws: We tested this map with 4 people and as far as we could tell any bugs that may have been have all been corrected and should play flawlessly for you.Please enjoy and feel free to modify this map , please just give credit where credit is due. Thanks

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