Evasion V. Beta 1.00

  • User Rating:
  • 8.5
  • File Category:
  • Modified Single Player Maps
  • Author:
  • {NP} Final

  • Date:
  • 09/18/2010

  • File Size:
  • 93.5M


A Modified secton of the Single Player A50 Truth and Reconciliation

File Notes


Note: to play this map enable the console and type "map_name evasion"
About: In this map you start in a covenant's prison and you have to escape. You have two choices:
1) - Ask the High Charity's help, but you will be his debtor;
2) - Wait for a marine incursion and escape!

In the first part of the map (when you are in the prison), don't press "E" and "Spacebar" keys because you
will choice earlier your way! The most important thing is not pressing "E" and "Spacebar" at the same time because the game will crash (black fade out).

I would say thanks to CMT, Hist Clan (http://hist.forumcommunity.net/) and {NP} Zelota (in the forum the_elite_zelota).

More Info:
There is a skull in this map, try to pick it and you'll get unlimited active camouflage!

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User Submitted Screenshots

Warning - Language and grammar are less than stellar.

The hallway after the conference in the bridge.