Human Outpost Tags

  • User Rating:
  • pending
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Scenery Tags
  • Author:
  • CAG Gonzo

  • Date:
  • 08/01/2010

  • File Size:
  • 1.6M


File Notes

Human Outpost v1.0

Installation: copy the 'human_outpost' folder to your tags\secenery directory. Everything is all set up. I recommend you test it in a test scenario in sapien before you finalize your decision to include it.

Basically, this is a cheap human-themed base. It features one large room spanning the length of the base, and two similarly sized rooms adjacent to the door. Several hallways and intenral and external windows (with no glass) are modeled in. At the back, there is a genrously sized garage capable of holding several Warthogs and even a Scorpion. There is a fixed garage door with a lovely 'Stay Clear' bitmap in the open. As of right now, it is not animated. However, future releases may see an animation for opening and closing the door.

The base is free to use provided you cite me in your credits. It is also free to tweak as you see fit, with the same stipulations as above. I ask that if you want to tweak the base and plan on posting it on Halomaps that you first run it by me, because if it is a much needed tweak, then your tweak can be posted as Human Outpost v1.1 or whatever the version is at the time, instead of under a different name. I ask that you run it by me first because I want to make sure it's still essentially the same thing I made (any tweak is fine by me, but if it makes the base look like something different, it should be posted on Halomaps as something different...something of your own design in which you cite me for providing a basis for which you made your own base).

Disclaimer: this base is by no means an attempt to produce a high quality model. It is a relatively simple design, and to be honest, I spent little time considering what would actually end up in a base like this. But that's up to you. I made this essentially as a space-filler for a map I'm working on.

Properties: 256 vertices, 544 faces (according to gmax. Tool listed different numbers for some reason)
9 Material IDs:
1: base floor and foundation (underside)
2: base ceiling
3: base walls (interior)
4: garage floor
5: garage walls
6: garage ceiling
7: garage door
8: base walls (exterior)
9: base roof
All bitmaps come from the bitmap pack I downloaded of Halomaps.

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