Hornets Nest

  • User Rating:
  • 8.9
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • NerveBooger

  • Date:
  • 07/18/2010

  • File Size:
  • 19.9M


A large deep walled canyon with beautiful lakes separating two bases protected by the Halo 3 Hornet, and Halo 3 Scorpion.

File Notes

All game types are supported, up to 16 players, but is best for CTF, Race and King of the Hill. The large sky allows for great room for hornet dog fights. Those on the ground can defend against the hornet, by a homing RPG.

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User Submitted Screenshots

red base



special energy sword

central lake

human grenade

plasma granade


the hornet

rock 3

ad maiorem

highest point

I go down

in the sky