B30 Halo3

  • User Rating:
  • 6.6
  • File Category:
  • Modified Single Player Maps
  • Author:
  • {FtD}Spartn

  • Date:
  • 06/24/2010

  • File Size:
  • 125.0M


a Modification of the •Single Player B30 Level - The Silent Cartographer

File Notes

Description : I modified B30 because I was bored of the old one.
New things added:
-Brutes with spikers
-Friendly Elites (At start of level)
-Enemy elites are switched with brutes
-CMT Vehicles
-Different beach LZ (Landing Zone)

About : A modified B30,using CMT tags

Recommendation : When you are bored,play this.

-Insertion pelicans go in the water and land somewhere different
-Elites don't follow you and spawn at the start

Fixes: [None]

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