Floodnight (single player)

  • User Rating:
  • 5.3
  • File Category:
  • Modified Single Player Maps
  • Author:
  • SomeoneDifferent

  • Date:
  • 01/29/2010

  • File Size:
  • 32.0M


File Notes

ow to play: At the CE main menu simply press the key button and type this in "map_name floodnight"(without the quotes)
Description: You and some squads have crash landed in a small battle field. It's up to you to kill
the infection.

Known Bugs:(
-Some trigger volumes don't work like their supposed to.
-cutscenes do not have the black bars on the top & bottom
-First squad of marines do not follow you
-No ENDING cutscene after you kill the sceops grunts the map is over

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