CMT Single Player V2 - A10 Level - The Pillar of Autumn Public Beta

  • User Rating:
  • 9.1
  • File Category:
  • CMT Single Player Maps
  • Author:
  • CMT Team

  • Date:
  • 08/04/2009

  • File Size:
  • 169.1M


This is the CMT public beta build of A10, The Pillar of Autumn.

File Notes

This is the CMT public beta build of A10, The Pillar of Autumn.
Due to the massive amount of posting of an older leak of this level,
we thought it would be a whole lot nicer to release a fresh new beta
build for everyone to enjoy. Please respond back to us via my youtube account
(Masterz1337), or Modacity and Halomaps forums, with your thoughts
and feedback, along with bugs you have encountered. Hopefully, the real
deal will be out within several months. This map has always been thought
of as the introduction to our mod, and gives a nice tease to the player
about what there is to come in the maps that follow.

In regards to the leak, it really doesn't effect us. To the leakers
who have been complicit in trying to spam and spread it (Onotix, K23 Kevin),
and those claiming responsibility (DEEhunter and Recycle Bin), well shame on you.
Whatever response you wanted to get out of us, I'm certain you weren't expecting this.
Nothing has changed for us, and you have done nothing but stripped yourself of your only "weapon".
For those of you who have been helpful in containing the leak for so long, we as the team want to

thank you,
and rewards will be given when it is time.

Enjoy this beta we have prepared for you, and please do provide us with feedback.


To play this map, you either need a UI with SP enabled, or it can be booted through console.
When booting through console, using the command map_name a10 will load it on normal.
The mod was really designed to be played on heroic, so if you would like to change the difficulty

before typing
in map_name type in

game_difficulty_set easy/normal/hard/impossible

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User Submitted Screenshots

CMT SPV2 a10 plasma nada explosion

Master Chief

face fail v2

face fail

Hushed casket


Angry Elite



Brute and Elite

Every turn a surprise

Destroyed hallways

Brute with spikes

Picked up grenades


CMT Single Player V2 - A10 Level - The Pillar of Autumn Public Beta


In the map

You're under arrest

plasma efects

Elite Minor

Chiido xD

Bridge scene.

Deadly Nade - 7 died, 1 survived

notice the sparks,this picture was playing hard to get

:o their epic!

Awesome pic by me kevv,

Awesome pic by me kevv,

Awesome pic by me kevv,

Awesome pic by me kevv,

Master Chief being awesome.

Easter egg?

Brutes and Smg's..... You gotta love em'

a dead hero

a plasma bolt heading for its target


what a mess

head less brute


ARTEEN? I get the feeling the next part of the map was supposed to load, but didn't.

Bruh ur pings like 45

r u like mlg?