Hillbilly Mudbog

  • User Rating:
  • 9.1
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • Slap Happy

  • Date:
  • 06/12/2009

  • File Size:
  • 17.3M


A mountain valley race track and hill climb complete with Monster Hogs, ATV’s, Dune Buggies’s and Water Hawgs

File Notes

A mountain valley race track and hill climb complete with Monster Hogs, ATV’s, Dune Buggies’s and Water Hawgs – a map built for the four-wheelin fun lovin redneck in you. Play as a redneck.

Built for up to 16 players, all gametypes supported, and well balanced with custom redneck sounds of every kind. CTF, Race and Crazy King recommended.

Infinite Grenades (Beer-Can Frags and Footballs) are not recommended – will cause hangover and it’ll make Cletus a little too friendly (if ya know what I’m sayin)

Beer-Can Frags and Exploding Footballs (Yes, you can play catch with the footballs) Or step up to the Beerkeg and let it take you away. Ever need to really go while you are playing? No problem, just use the outhouse - but – watch yer butt! (cletus thinks yer purdy! And if you hear a banjo – RUN!) Health feelin down? Just take a swig from the moonshine jug – it’ll set you right

The Monster Hogs will give you a thrill, and a spill – so go easy on the pedal til you got the feel for it – and when yer ready, floor it and hit the horn for a surprise! Medium to high quality video settings in game recommended.


- Monster Hog (Hogfoot 2 versions)- Matooba (skinned and fixed by Slap Happy)
- Waterhawg (RPC Hog)- Matooba (skinned by Slap Happy)
- ATV (J Mongoose - 2 seater) – Jay2645
- Doom Buggy – Axeman (modified physics by Slap Happy)
- Water Cannon – The Ghost
- Walton - HST (all broke down – you can’t drive grandpa’s old jaloppy)


- USP Pistol - Caz
- Battle Rifle - Caz
- Sawed Off Shotgun – The Doom Freak and Slap Happy
- Beer-Can Frag – Slap Happy (Holy Sh--!)
- Football Frag - Slap Happy, model by Baturkin (Son of a !)
- Rocket Launcher – Bungie
- RPG - Kingfish999

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Hillybilly mudbog character

teleporter hillbilly style