
  • User Rating:
  • 9.0
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • ?

  • Date:
  • 01/23/2009

  • File Size:
  • 36.7M


File Notes

Supports all game types but race.

CTF: blue team starts in the UNSC base, red team starts in the covenant base.

Slayer, Oddball and King of the Hill: players start near one of the vehiclebase/snipertower structures.

Layout: A rectangular map surrounded by cliffs, a river meandering through the middle, a large bridge for crossing the river, and the UNSC and covenant bases at the far edges of the map. There are hogbase/snipertower structures dotted around.

Vehicles: Mythos and scarab do not have homing ability. The hogs and tanks are faster than usual. Banshee, spectre, wraith and brute ghost have boost.

6x standard warthog
5x flamehog
6x guass warthog
3x scorpion tank
6x wasp
1x mythos
2x jet
2x assault pelican
2x cargo pelican
1x LAAG turret
4x guass turret

5x brute ghost
5x fuel rod ghost
5x spectre
3x wraith
4x banshee
1x scarab
2x seraphf
5x phantom
1x covenant AP turret
4x covenant AA turret


assualt rifle
rocket launcher
battle rifle
sniper rifle
another type of sniper rifle (more powerful)
homing rocket launcher
tactical bomb

plasma pistol
plasma rifle
brute shot
fuel rod cannon
beam rifle
needle rifle
flak cannon


UNSC\Covenant base: contain most of the UNSC\Covenant vehicles and weapons. 2 floors, bottom floor for ground vehicles and short range weaponry, top floor for flying
vehicles and longer range weaponry. Floors connected by large ramp. also ledges halfway between the first and second floor with a LAAG turret on. Can be used for sniping

Vehiclebase\sniper tower structures: There are ten of these, 5 covenant and 5 UNSC. In each one there is a single ground vehicle with the exception of one of them, which has a wasp. outside there is a long range weapon to use in the sniper tower. To get in to the tower, crouch-walk around the vehicle if needed to get to the teleporter behind. To get out, jump and crouch out of one of the windows.

Bridge: A bridge just wide enough to fit a scarab down. Inside one of the pillers is a wasp.

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the use of heavy force