Lifeboat Tags

  • User Rating:
  • 7.7
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Vehicle Tags
  • Author:
  • UnevenElefant5

  • Date:
  • 01/23/2009

  • File Size:
  • 506.9K


File Notes

These are my lifeboat tags. They are orange inflatable-type boats. There is a driver and a passenger seat. Now, this vehicle WILL drive on land unless you change the dirt friction in your globals tag to like 0.003 (and even then its not perfect)
Unzip the archive, then copy the folders inside into your tags folder. It should work with no missing tags then.

To change your globals tag open your tags\globals\globals.globals tag and scroll down to almost the very bottom to where it says "materials"
here change whatever material type the land is to have a "ground friction scale" of 0.003 (ex. your map is made up of the metal (thick) material. select that material in the the drop down menu, and change friction.

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