Island Assault (Single Player)

  • User Rating:
  • 8.7
  • File Category:
  • Modified Single Player Maps
  • Author:
  • sierra117

  • Date:
  • 01/11/2009

  • File Size:
  • 66.9M


File Notes

-This map was going to be the concluding map to the "in modeling stage" Keyes Assault
Campaign. Till I Decided to use custom BSP's and put more effort and not to just get it
off my back. It includes a new cyborg and 2 new elitefloods.

Has The Classic Weapon set and has the classic vehicle set. Except for a Vehicle Which
is featured in the Keyes Assault Campaign. A Warthog With a Bitmap Change. This map isnt
designed for dev so plz dont use dev...............PLZ!

Story-You have been searching for the prophet Mercy for years now and haev finally found
his hidden location. You and a strike team made a assault on the island and you went
inside towards a beacon and found out that hes was somewhere else in the island and have
been sent on a suicide mission, and was in a flood infested building in the interior of
the island. Mercy is just a biped because he look really wierd as a movable ai. so hes
just a biped. Also I edited Mercy so he explodes when he dies. =P

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