
  • User Rating:
  • pending
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • SapperGrunt (gruntfromhalo)

  • Date:
  • 01/11/2009

  • File Size:
  • 9.1M


A small cylindrical map for close-quarters-combat.

File Notes

This map is 100% cylinder modeled. It was made from 3 cylinders; 2 for the bases and 1 for the main level. The weapons are:
Assault Rifle (credit to jackal for animations)- This has been modified to act more like an assault rifle and less like an SMG. Also has “climb” like the SMG.
SMG (credit to ????, I forgot who made it :D)- The weapon you start with.
Pistol mkii (credit to ????, I forgot who made it :D)- A pistol. Modified to be balanced with the other weapons. Also has “climb” like the SMG.
Shotgun- A shotgun. Also has “climb” like the SMG.
Why would there be vehicles in a CQC map >:V

|Slayer, CTF, and KOTH| Default gametypes or shotties no shields. I really want to see some KOTH servers, though; that and CTF were the gametypes I had in mind when I made it. Don’t try race though. Race fails hard on this map.

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