Woodloand Partol Vehicle tags

  • User Rating:
  • pending
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Vehicle Tags
  • Author:
  • Kingfish999

  • Date:
  • 12/16/2008

  • File Size:
  • 3.2M


The Woodland Patrol Vehicle is a dune buggy like vehicle.

File Notes

The Woodland Patrol Vehicle is a dune buggy like vehicle.
Holds 1 driver, 1 gunner, and 1 passenger.
Has mounted 50cal machine gun but with only limited aiming view and has to relaod every 200 rounds.
Has custom engine sounds (that sound more like a motorcycle some reason) and exhaust.
Flashlight button activates headlights.
Has a dark texture.

Put the "FAV" folder into the 'Tags\Vehicles' folder
remeber to replace 1 of the 6 vehicles in the Globals\Globals.globals to make useable or use a script

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