
  • User Rating:
  • 4.7
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • {HH}Kurai1

  • Date:
  • 10/03/2008

  • File Size:
  • 6.4M


A large canyon

File Notes

Supports: All gametypes except race. (unless you want to walk all the distance) =(

Story/Prologue: Before the Covenant have confronted the humans, they have battled with a race that counters even there own. The Protoss.With there recharging sheilds, psionic powers and advanced photon weaponry, they confronted the Covenant with full force. Many Covenant Flag Ships fell, along with several Carriers and Scouts from the Protoss side. The Covenant were able to put up a resistance to the Protoss, but could not defeat there forces. The Covenant fled to a planet that had shown up in one of the Protoss Flag Ships databanks. Shakuras. Only after landing and being able to set up a sheilded defense incase the Protoss had somehow found them, they were being killed. One by one the Covenant were slaughtered, only able to see a blue glow before one of them fell. They soon were all killed and left no trace behind except for there plasma sheilds. They were killed by the Dark Templar. A race that did exist with the Protoss society but were bannished from there own planet of Auir and began to live on Shakuras. This is where you will be battling on.

Secrets: Theres only 2 secrets in this map. 1 is that theres a teliporter in a corner to get to the hill near it, since u cant get on top of it without a banshee. The other is going to stay a secret but keep an ear out for the burning will of the Dark Templar and you will find it. You can use a Banshee to get to it, but thats no fun, and u will get noticed so easily.

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