
  • User Rating:
  • 5.4
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • miatribe

  • Date:
  • 08/18/2004

  • File Size:
  • 6.6M


A desert waste land and a new skin for the Masterchief - looks like the Silver Surfer

File Notes

Map: Waste

Well here is a old map i made awhile ago. the only reason im releasing it is because it has a new biped. the biped is in my mind crap but ppl that have seen it like it. also the biped is one colour ie there is no red vrs blue si ull have to watch your littel green team indercator.
many thanks to axeman for helping me start.

not the next hat map but the one after will have a fully seamless new biped.

i did this map to WASTE time. lol

ppl with lower end gfx cards will um not like it much lol

did i say axeman helped? yep good he helped sooo much and u should all check out his site http://www.armyofassassins.com/

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