Sandpit model (GMAX)

  • User Rating:
  • pending
  • File Category:
  • 3D Model Files
  • Author:
  • rambo_duckkiller

  • Date:
  • 04/18/2008

  • File Size:
  • 5.5M


File Notes

The name I chose was Sandpit but if you want to change it it's your choice.

The sniper tower is basic but I think a couple of barricades would do nicely on top to hide behind.

I created what I call "The Hogpit". It the object is if you are coming into contact with another warthog you can play chicken over the pit in the air.

The bunker I put in as a plac to go after snipers in the sniper tower. It has small windows so you are a bit safe, but it;s disadvantage would be against grenades and rockets.

The garage is just simple. I didn't want to do anything too special for that but I made it so when you come out you sort of jump out. Thought that would be ineresting.

The bitmaps are made so they have a link to the bitmap files when the file is on the desktop. You could change that if you want I suppose and I included which bitmaps i used.

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