Sky Twins
File Category:
Halo CE Maps
File Size:
Two floating hilly landmasses connected by two bridges
File Notes
Authors Notes:
Sky Twins Final
By: Jimk72(INFScout)
This is a final build to replace Facing worlds FB as there was some confusion that this was a remake of the UT facing worlds, I returned to the original name Sky Twins.
Items fixed:
-Added Portals.
-Added background sounds and wind.
-Modded some of the weapons to make them more even ( Pistol has increased range+ 2 zoom levels, Assault rifle is more accurate but fires slower and has a zoom, as before the rockets are able to lock on to targets).
-Finished the nade launcher( has primary and secondary triggers+ seperate ammo displays for each round, Zoom, shows distance and elevation of target, Primary trigger launches a nade that exlodes after .5 - .75 seconds, and secondary times out at 1.5-2 seconds, The secondary has napalm in it that burns anything around the explosion, both rounds are so hot after launch that they will melt to any person that it may contact(sticks to them til detonation)).
-Fixed problem with banshees not showing up on some servers.
I would like to thank everyone who hosts this map file or on a server.
I would also like to thank my testers:
evilpoo: Lots of ideas and suggestions on the hanger and tunnels.
abe: for testing.
The Nade Launcher may be avail. for other maps if the mapmaker themselves e-mail me with a request to have that weapon in there map.
Enjoy Jimk72