The mummy 4

  • User Rating:
  • 9.1
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • Adolif (Daniel Duchnowski)

  • Date:
  • 10/14/2007

  • File Size:
  • 26.1M


File Notes

No weapon or vehicle improvements except for a new easter egg. There is new mummy improvements, though (not really improvements for your survival!).

-The mummies are 7x more aggresive, berserk like crazy, and can notice you from around corners and stuff like that.
-Melee attacks are NOT fatal, but with these new features you have more to worry about. ^^
-They can melee-jump from REALLY (100's of feet) high and land near you, and their melee jump range is 9999 world units plus their volocity is really fast doing so.
-They hold weak, but still deadly in numbers, pistols.
-They attack from long distances as they would short, making no delay attacking by walking to you.
-This is an additional feature and isn't an improvement really; they glow red and speak gargled zombie noises, for appearence.

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