Olympus Mons
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Halo CE Maps
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File Notes
Hey guys!
Thanks for downloading my second publicly released map. Its been in the works for a good year or two, and its about time it came out.
Anyway, where to begin?
... basically, you're fighting in a giant cave next to a lake of lava. As with most real lava, the kind in this map burns/kills anything that falls in; so don't fall in. =)
The map is ready for basically all gametypes, but is specifically designed for capture the flag and race. Despite this, the others play very well too. KOTH, I think, is the most fun out of all of them.
There may be a few small bugs relating to lightmaps and UVW mapping and the like, but they have no real effect on gameplay.
And finally, here we go with some special thanks:
[HIV]Bacon: For support and beta-test skillz! *.*
Tweek: For your kickin' rad lava textures and shaders; they really brought the map to life.
Tiamat: For helping me add at least a little realism to the map by letting me check out your lavaflows damage tags.
LoLGEarbox Forums: For posting in my other thread even though the map seemed like it was never going to come out!
Peoples @ HackHalo.org: I love j0000000!
Thanks again! Have fun! :D