Peak of Despair v0.8

  • User Rating:
  • 5.5
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • {IW}Sel£nt aka selentic

  • Date:
  • 03/18/2007

  • File Size:
  • 6.3M


File Notes

Description : This map was designed to be a 3 battle front map. It has one front on top of the mountain peak for combat on foot, the vehicle front for vehicle combat, and a third front for both foot and vehicle combat.

This map was designed for roughly 10-16 players to accomodate battle on the three fronts. There is one easter egg on the map for you easter egg lovers, its not something that would upset the balance of power on the map. There are some glitches in the map, none of which drasticly affect gameplay. They include the ability to throw grenades through a face on the base walls, the flag has no cloth animation, ghosts can be forced onto the base roof. If you find anymore please email me about them so I can fix them in the next version.

Acknowledgement: I would like to thanks modmaker 343 for the bloodgulch base tags and biocroc1 for the blaster tags.
If you see your work on here Email me or add me to Xfire: selentic , I will update the list, but I dont think I forgot anyone so now I would like to thank the beta testers.

More Info : For the next version, What im aiming to do is fix the flag animation glitch, add rain, and dim the level a bit, If you know how to do these things please email/Xfire me and give me a little help, This is only my second map, (Big Improvement....) So I dont know how to do some of the finer points of map making. Anyway without further ado have fun.

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