Hypo v0.3

  • User Rating:
  • 9.0
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • KiLLa

  • Date:
  • 02/16/2007

  • File Size:
  • 18.2M


File Notes

This release is just to get the map out there, and is not "final".

Alot of things have been cut for release(including the elite biped), and will be added in later releases.
I will have a bug report thread setup on BioCroc's forums(http://www.biocroc.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=5901#5901), so if you have any feed back/bugs/suggestions, leave it there.
And yes, some of the models and bitmaps was infact taken from Halo 2(don't even start any rip talk please).

Alot of people have had thier hands in the production of this map, so if I left anyone out, please let me know.

Alot of people have had thier hands in the production of this map, so if I left anyone out, please let me know.
First off I'd like to thank Tiamat, rec0, kornman00, Lightning, gx_shadow, Xero, Tweek, and Steelix, without thier efforts alot of this wouldn't be possible.
I'd also like to thank, Master, p0lar_bear(thanx bro), Vinx, SSDC, baturkin, 00dave, The_Ghost, Madrox, Viper_Neo, Neuro(even tho you never finsihed the BSP..), Magnum, and Katanna.

Without further ado I bring to you, BUGGY HYPO!!

Note: The elevators are about a second or so off client side(nothing that can seriously effect gameplay)..

Brought to you by: KiLLa

V0.2 Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue with the elevator causing massive lag(hopefully).
Snow hog door model.
Added support for all gametypes.
Added vehicle blocks in the front enterance of the bases(better CTF games that way).
Moved blue elevator control panel, so it can actually be used while on the elevator.
New BR Hud crap thanx to p0lar_bear.

v0.3 Bug Fixes:
Fixed Smach sounds, and shaders, and 3p model.
Fixed Vehicle blocks, and added blocks to the side tunnels
Added Teleporter from the middle of the tunnel, to the top center(by the invis or ovvy) of the cliff.
Changed shield shaders.
The Mongoose now uses a first person view.
Added 2 needle turrets on the platue.
Changed teleporter shaders in both bases.
Fixed odd driver postition while driving the ghost.
Removed "trick" button from mongoose.
Removed all shreds of "taunts".
Added fp shield.
Fixed Sniper contrial.
Added shield down effect.
Altered race gametype to suit layout changes (blocking of the tunnels).

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