TLS Devils Drop

  • User Rating:
  • 9.1
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • {TLS}flyingdog

  • Date:
  • 11/25/2006

  • File Size:
  • 7.6M


File Notes

TLS_Devils_Drop is my second map. It was created for {TLS} The Last Snipers

This map supports all game types.

All weapons are stock.
All vehicles are stock.
There are two hogs and Ghosts per team and a scorpion is an option to add in CTF.
Each base has two gun turrets

This is a symmetrical map with large bases at each end. The flag sits atop of the base. Along one edge is a cave with a massive drop. There are many ways in and it is a good way to surprise the other team by going this route. The center has a large cliff with a cave the leads up to a ledge where a platform leads out over a massive drop. Here is a very good spot for snipers to sit. You have a good view of the map and there is plenty of cover.

Sorry I don't have a story about this map.

The gun turrets are by: TheGhost

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