
  • User Rating:
  • 8.0
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • Martin

  • Date:
  • 08/07/2006

  • File Size:
  • 10.6M


File Notes

2 Jets per team all gametypes
2 Missel Warthogs per team all gametypes
2 Guass Hogs per team all gametypes
1 LS per team all gametypes
1 Pelican per team all gametypes
\Starting equipment:
CTF : Pistol & Sniper Riffle
Race: Pistol & Flametrower
Slayer: Pistol & Assult Riffle
Oddball: Pistol & Rocket Launcher
KotH: Pistol & Shotgun
\around the map
AR, Pistol, Sniper Riffle, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, c4, & Frag Grenades.
Tiamat for his jets, LS, Pelican, mwarthog, biped, & c4.
& freind who helped me out on the map.

have fun!

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