
  • User Rating:
  • pending
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • HellsScope

  • Date:
  • 06/23/2006

  • File Size:
  • 4.9M


Simple----A very simple map.Includes basic weapons,no base,has 2 ghosts and 2 hog's, and 1 shee.

File Notes

Simple----A very simple map.Includes basic weapons,no base,has 2 ghosts and 2 hog's, and 1 shee.
This map is very small.
Starting equipment-pistol,shotgun,plasma rifle.
The shotgun evens out the Shee being in there.

Credits to-The Beast,BobTheGreat(for teaching me netgae equipment),and 2and2makes5.

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