Supercity 1.1

  • User Rating:
  • 8.2
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • Date:
  • 04/07/2006

  • File Size:
  • 8.6M


File Notes

to fly press Q (thanks sunny for helping me figure out how
to do that) and you can shoot out some random stuff... have fun with that..

I also wanna thank the people who helped me
they are:

Lightning, Couldnt do anything without you buddy.
Wave of lag, Also... Couldnt do anything without you.
Jahrain, Providing me with some special info.
SSDC, You helped me loads... Thank you :)
Sunny, Just rocks, he helped me with my textures and tagging.
Killa, Supplied me with unarmed tags =)
and everybody else I forgot to mention.

The map features are:
Highpower beam
karate chop

I know the map isnt much to look at atm... but its pretty good for a person doing it on his own with help from his

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