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Halo CE Maps
Flaming Rain 231
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File Notes
Marooned on this outpost, you fight against Squad 111 (Red) (Squad 115 Blue)
A freak winter storm comes about, breaks down the door to the bases
and wipes out nearly all your weapons.
The storm is over, you and your team finally set up the last of the vehicles.
You have recovered: 2 to 1 Shotgun, Plasma Rifle and Needler
3 Turrets, 2 ghosts, 2 warthogs and a Banshee.
You are crouching behind a rock, thinking you saw an elite and flinch
back. It was just a dead body. Its lungs were gutted out in a
heart shaped hole... What could do this, none of the UNSC
have a Melee Weapon that can make that hole....
Unless the person that killed it was...
No, it couldn't be that..
You trudge through to destroy the enemy squad.
A war is going on about above space level, and people are ejecting, only few
survived the crash and high impact. That's an easter egg.
Pro's and Con's of Red and Blue
Red side: Vehicles cannot cross the rumble pit *middle area with
no snow as ground.* But you have enough cover to turn a enemy head
into a falling red lollipop.
Blue side: Vehicles must be smashed into the wall to pass,
you have less cover.
Known Issues: None
Gametypes: King, Oddball, CTF, Slayer.
N/A Gametypes: Race.
M4573R51337 - The elite corpse tags = Ripped from w4torn.
Bungie - I really don't know.
Anyone Else who helped.