Golden Halo Custom Ediiton Logo tags

  • User Rating:
  • 8.5
  • File Category:
  • Custom UI Files
  • Author:
  • p0lar_bear

  • Date:
  • 11/21/2005

  • File Size:
  • 637.8K


Tags for the Halo CE title screen to replace the default logo.

File Notes

This archive contains files for replacing the current Halo CE title screen logo with one that has a nice, glowy "Custom Edition" subtitle.

There are two bitmaps in this archive, and the only difference between them is a color change (Blue or Gold). To choose which one to use, open the halo_logo.ui_widget_definition tag in Kornman00V2 and change the background bitmap to whatever one you like (halo_logo_custom_blue or halo_logo_custom_gold).

Also, I have included my source TIF files in case you'd like to learn how the bitmap uses alpha channels to determine how visible parts of a bitmap are.

To install, drag and drop the data and tags folders in this archive into your Halo Custom Edition folder. It will only overwrite the halo_logo.ui_widget_definition tag, and the credits.unicode_string_list tag. If you need to uninstall, I have included copies of the original tags. Simply delete the halo_logo.ui_widget_definition and credits.unicode_string_list, and then rename the copies by removing the "Copy of" that appears before the name.



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