Yoyorast Island

  • User Rating:
  • 9.2
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Maps
  • Author:
  • Yoyorast

  • Date:
  • 07/18/2005

  • File Size:
  • 14.7M


A highly convoluted Island complex

File Notes

Yoyorast Island


All those who followed this project since the begining know that it's been more than a year since I started; you can't imagine the amount of time I spent on it... Wow, it has not been easy as I didn't know how to model at first, but I learned while making it... that's partly why it took so much time I guess... The other reason was that I didn't know and still don't know (shame on me) how to use the HEK (would someone be kind enough to translate it/and the tuts to French? lol)... So the road has been long -- when I first showed the model, one year ago, I was looking for someone to put it in game...

First I met Taco, he was supposed to help me but after the Zanzibar leak and all, he gave up... then I met Excalibur, but he gave up too after a while... the main problem was to find a way to convert the original files (Amapi designer) to 3dsMax without having them corrupted or unusable... this has been a real nightmare... then came SSDC and we finnally found the way to do it, he put the model in game in 3 days (after the conversion, every polygon was an error, lol)... after testing this first version I found myself forced to learn a bit of Max (it took time), I didn't stop to modify/recreate the model until today... SSDC worked very well in making new builds from my updated models but after a while, he hadn't enough free time to give anymore... So, once again I looked for someone else... I found this guy: TheGhost! Wow, Since this moment, things strated to go faster... I am used to modifying the BSP very often and he kept making new builds again and again... this has been very useful for me to perfect the gameplay.

Anyway, the wait is over, the map is here, the enthusiasts should be even more enthusiastic. Those who said it was impossible to do it can change their minds and the leakers can cry... oh, and of course, you guys can enjoy it and hopefully have a lot of fun!

* My first Special Big Thank goes of course to my friend, TheGhost, for his very very efficient work... Without him we wouldn't be playing the map now... he has been very involved with great passion, he has listened to my ideas, and was very open-minded but also proposed good stuff and new ideas as well... he worked so hard on the map, sometimes he spent entire nights on it (fixing all my errors, integrating all the stuff I wanted, making all look smooth, portal, texture, populate, animate, so many different things). He also entirely created the secret room and what's in there (what a waste of work, you guys will never find and see it, lol)... I should point he has a very good sense of humour (sometimes lol) and we had fun working/chatting togoether...

* Also a big thank to SSDC who corrected all these errors and first put the model in game, and worked with me for a while... also helped me with some Max issues, and also thanks for his ATV with the boosting effect.

* Big thanks to KiLLa, who kindly offer his fantastic ATV to appear first in the map...

* Lightning for his support and the original ground texture...

* Masters for his support, sending some textures and introducing me to TheGhost...

* Beef for making the slow but very good www.yoyorast.tk website...

* Vinx for the walk and drive signs and my sig...

* Sakievitch for sending me some of his beautiful custom textures...

* Dominator for the ATV and flag signs and the unfinished and "not in the game" boat...

* Nitrousoxide and H2CE team for their H2 turrets that we didn't end up using...

* Tack122 for helping Excalibur at the begining...

* Rams for his passionate support, for promoting the map on lots of forums, making "long" videos, finding tweaks and shortcuts...

* Also for their big help in finding shortcuts and problems in the gameplay: 9mm, Neuro, Foamy...

* 117 for my sig...

* Wave of Lag, for his various work with the ATV, ...

* To the entire beta team for their great support and loyalty (how lucky have we been to not have had the map leaked) : (all the guys above have helped in betatesting) Peter, Digikid, st 117, shaun, Crimson, Yomama, Musty, Rec0, Killer, gx Shadow, Bullet, Freelancer, a_baby_seal, Joris, Yance, Dragon, Pope, Beavis, Veegie, EPGS guys... etc Sorry If I'm forgeting some guys but some of the betatesters only tested the map one or 2 times...

* And Thanks to all the ones that supported me and the project along all this time in the forums... this gave me a lot of courage!

I don't know if this is "the best map ever" as I initially said it had the potential to be but I can say it's for sure the most unique I've seen.

Ok, now let's have fun!


Please note that the model is right protected so you shouldn't rip it or reproduce it in any way. Thanks.



Well, Yoyo's comments are pretty long, so I'll keep this short and to the point. I posted in the very first Yoyorast Island thread offering to help put it in game, but it wasn't until much later that I was given the opportunity. Through Masters1337 I met Yoyo and we quickly started working together to get everything in game. It's been a long time in the making, but it's finally released. I've put a lot of work into this map, and I hope you will enjoy playing it as much as I have enjoyed working on and testing it.

Although I can not thank everyone (as Yoyo tried to do), I would like to mention two people in particular. Thank you, Rams, for your dedication to this project, always wanting to help out and test, and for chatting it up with me online. It's Thank you also to KiLLa, for putting up with any stupid questions I had for you, teaching me some basics of animations, and for your very hard work on the ATV. It's unfortunate that your work is not appreciated by all as much as it is by me.

Everyone else who came into contact with me during the project, you know who you are, and I'd like to give a big thanks to all of you. This project would certainly not have reached the magnitude and general awesomeness it has without you guys.

Yoyorast, it's been a real pleasure working with you. Since day one I've tried to give this project everything, as I saw how much dedication and effort you had for it, I followed suite. Yoyorast's sig on the Gearbox Software forums reads, "What drives me is passion," and it is quite evident how much passion he has towards his creation. Again, it's been great working with you, and I hope you succeed in whatever you decide to take on after Yoyorast Island.


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User Submitted Screenshots


moongoose lol



the warhogs of the red and blue

What you will see as you enter the secret room on Yoyorast Island

a gun turret

Map Details


The secret Shortcuts
