H2 Coagulation
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Halo CE Maps
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A Halo CE version of the Halo 2 Colaguation Level.
File Notes
ell, here it is, CMT has been working on Coagulation since mid November.
As all of you should know, CMT is Converstion map team, meaning WE USE BUNGIES MODELS, BITMAPS and SOUNDS WE DID NOT CREATE THEM.
CMT did create some custom stuff, if something was not in h2 like the rhog, CMT did it.
You should be able to recognize stuff that is bungies, and not ours.
CMT is responsible for getting everything ingame, making the mods, and making everythign funtional and fun
We are proud to present to you H2 Coagulation
We hope you enjoy our efforts of the past 7 months
The Team
KiLLa (deserves a huge round of applause, this project would have never started had I not met him)
The Ghost
Super Sunny
Genocide and Muffinman
Vinx (he never did much though)
Jack Bauer
Special Thanks to
Bungie for Halo, Halo 2 and all the models sounds and bitmaps we used
Viper Neo for the BSP
Ker hall(h2ce) for his 2 public bitmaps, the nade skin and the detail map for the flag
Rec0 for making an advanced biped weighter for our biped and letting us milk him for goat cheese
Jahrin for helping us last minute with his FP arms.
All the leakers for motivating us to outdo ourselves
Crimsion for the half baked shotty model and the h4x RL
Emmmaurgh for a great collection of detail maps, which was used on the hogs and the BR and SMG and Sniper
Legend and Beavis for the server and hours of testing and support
Nuero ko Neza for modeling the rocks
The moderators at Gearbox for putting up with all the hype and spam of people waiting for the mod
If I forgot you, I probably did it intentionaly :-p, or mb I just forgot you. chances are, if you know me, contact me if I forgot to give you credit.
For future updates of our projects, visit www.haloimpulse.com/cmt