Halo Maps Website

An Archive of User Made Maps & map screenshots for the Halo Custom Edition, Halo 2 Vista PC and Portal 1 games.

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Halo Custom Edition

The Halo Custom Edition game (Halo CE) is a free unsupported upgrade and standalone program that will install alongside of your Halo PC game. Unlike Halo PC The Halo CE game allows you to play and or create custom maps for multiplayer on-line play. All map files and utilities on this website are for the Halo Custom Edition game only. You must own a licensed copy of Halo PC, have the CDROM and the license key in order to install this game.

Portal 1

Halo Maps Portal 1 is an online file repository for user created maps, files, assets, and utilities for the PC version of the first person Portal Game by Valve Software.

Portal 1 is a single-player first-person action/puzzle video game that consists primarily of a series of puzzles. The "portal gun" and the unusual physics it creates is used to solve them.

Halo 2 Vista PC

The Halo 2 Vista game (H2V) is the sequel to the Halo PC version game. Originally developed for the Xbox gaming platform the Halo 2 Vista game is the PC version specifically for users running the Windows Vista Operating system.

All map files and utilities on this website are for the Halo 2 Vista PC version game only.