Halo 3 Hud V2 tags

  • User Rating:
  • pending
  • File Category:
  • Halo CE Misc. Tags
  • Author:
  • Jesse

  • Date:
  • 01/27/2014

  • File Size:
  • 6.7M


File Notes

About: This HUD was made over the period of a few months, years if you count my original release on this website.
I've made it a very simple task to install this HUD into your tagset, most weapons work and have their own HUD assigned to
them, but some do not have a HUD (such as the plasma cannon) because I didn't make any for it, considering I was making this HUD
for an actual Halo 3 tagset. I have however, modified many of the HUD interfaces to work with the H1 stock tagset.
The flamethrower has a HUD, the assault rifle has a 32 bullet, or 60 bullet option (and are labeled as such).

Installation: To install the HUD, just overwrite your tags folder with this one, this will overwrite the weapons, vehicles,
bipeds and necessary files so you can enjoy the HUD with a classic tagset (options for other weapons are included as well)

Changes: Some weapons were modified to fit the parameters of my HUD.

Shotgun - reduced loaded rounds to 6 (so it accomodates the meter)
Pistol - reduced loaded rounds to 8 (again, so it accomodates the meter)
Needler - reduced loaded rounds to 19 (same deal)

The only other modifications to the weapon tags was the HUD referencing. If you have a modified weapon\vehicle\biped tag and
wish to keep your own modifications, look at the installation instructions to see how to make the appropriate changes.

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